I really like that Cruz called out the obvious hypocrisy in receiving death threats from "people who call themselves Christians." Apart from that, his installation (from what I gather in pictures) is very well constructed and aesthetically harmonious - despite the hodgepodge of colors and shapes. Like most art works, I'll bet you'd have to see it in person to really "get it."
Cruz explains his vision:
"My installation serves as a mirror for a life full of opposing realities. It is meant to reflect on how we construct our imagined realities. These kinds of displays of images are commonly posted on the worn-out walls of every house, and can be found in impoverished areas. Things are posted like certificates, medals, photographs, calendars, posters, pictures of celebrities, politicians, and others, as a way to decorate the space or to affect how others perceive us. The details of the images in my installation are full of metaphorical ironies based on my personal doubts about my society."
Will this become another Piss Christ episode? It seems like it already has, though because it is an overseas controversy I'm not sure Bill Donohue will be pouncing all over this one just yet. But I could be wrong. Also, a big shout out to ARTINFO for bringing this artist to my attention. He's got some great stuff and I'm excited to learn more about him.
More to come, I'm sure.