My attempt at channeling Peter Davies, off the canvas. He sometimes summed the artists in his The Hip One Hundred (seen above) or The Hot One Hundred, by one particular work - for example, "Paul McCarthy - Bossie Burger.' I didn't necessarily want to do that, or at least not as straight forward. Plus, I'm a fan of McCarthy. :) This list is in no particular order and by no means are all these artists my personal favorites. A lot are, but some are not. It's reflexive, self-referential and if you know about any of these artists or even like them my categorizing will either offend you or give you an 'A-ha!' moment, I would hope.
Here it is, in all it's glory, or lack thereof.
1. Jean-Michel Basquiat – Adonis, ghetto prophet
2. Paul McCarthy - ketchup and prosthetic noses
3. John Baldessari – how to form a pithy quote:
4. Sean Landers – ha,haha
5. Salvador Dali- the biblical story on mescaline
6. Jackson Pollock – the noble savage
7. Tracey Emin- here's my bed, here's my “list”, now, piss off.
8. Edward Hopper – Mad Men, after-hours.
9. Tamara de Lempicka – champagne and oysters Rockefeller at a Gatsby party
10. Gilbert and George – repressed gay duplicated version of Willy Loman
11. Marcel Duchamp – the pseudoephedrine of the art world
12. Rene Magritte- this is not a statement
13. Martin Kippenberger – “no problem”
14. Pepon Osorio – the crime of culture
15. Amedeo Modigliani – long pointy faces
16. Richard Prince –cig ads, no butts about it
17. Romero Britto- poor man’s Warhol+Koons, minus the talent.
18. Roy Lictenstein – comic book despairs
19. Takashi Murakami – cartoony mushrooms and masturbating cowboys
20. Edvard Munch – ambivalent gothic nightmares
21. Robert Motherwell – An AbEx Rorschach test
22. Loren Munk – hipster Stuart Davis
23. Elizabeth Peyton – pretty boys
24. Andres Serrano – degenerates and bodily fluids
25. Andy Warhol – plastic idols
26. Christo – auto-erotic envirosphixiation
27. Marina Abramovic – pain is beauty/beauty is art
28. Stuart Davis – The lovechild of Braque and Miles.
29. The Chapman brothers – hell is other people
30. Joseph Kosuth – this is a referential reference.
31. Chris Ofili – modern mystic folk art
32. Georgia O’keefe – flowers from a bee's POV
33. Frida Kahlo – emotionally detached narcissism
34. Sarah Lucas – Feminist iconography
35. Gustav Klimt – gold lame mannerist Mona Lisas
36. Man Ray – lachrymose sexual dream states in black and white
37. Sol de Witt – the striped cube
38. Pablo Picasso – the dynamics of decadence
39. Willem De Kooning – flesh colored monster venus
40. Mark Rothko – personal apocalypse
41. Jasper Johns – flag off-mast
42. Barbara Kruger – Obey! In red/black/white
43. Robert Mapplethorpe – gay photos that piss off senate wives and preachers
44. Robert Ryman – white on white on wall
45. Chuck Close – up close and personal (har, har)
46. Frank Stella – prismatic geometry
47. Kazimir Malevich – the circle and the square
48. Piet Mondrian – primary composition
49. Michael Craig-Martin – I have taken a sentence, made it a mountain.
50. Hieronymus Bosch – earth, heaven and hell. And hell.
51. Damien Hirst – timeless memento mori
52. Marcus Harvey – morbid myra
53. Otto Dix – uglified, chain smoking sexually ambiguous Germans
54. Max Beckmann – stylized psychological torture
55. Claus Oldenberg – big hokey everyday objects
56. Joseph Beuys – talking to your food
57. Cy Twombly – expanding the practice easel
58. Nam June Paik – Feed the idiot box
59. Sadie Bennings –girl power
60. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec – coffee house wall art
61. Andrew Wyeth – helpless cripple in a field of amber grain
62. Yves Tanguy – cogs in a dream machine
63. Giorgio de Chirico – creepy, empty streets with towering shadows
64. Jeff Koons – basketballs, puppy balloons and joyous kitsch
65. Francisco Goya – romanticized Spanish revolution
66. Robert Rauschenberg – all white/all black
67. Bansky – sociopolitical but widely admired street art
68. Marc Quinn – blood busts and contortionist sculpture
69. Chris Burden – shoot and nail
70. Henri Matisse – green line down his wifes face
71. Piero Manzoni – commodity scat fetish
72. Norman Rockwell – sleepy nostalgic americana
73. Meret Oppenheim – messy breakfast
74. George Bellows – bowery life and pugilism
75. Francis Bacon – ghoulish meat packing hell
76. Carey Young – personal wealth inventory
77. David Lachapelle – fashionable subversion
78. Thomas Eakins – voyeuristic clinic scene
79. Paul Gaughin – topless native women
80. Jean Arp – distorted egg shapes
81. Max Ernst – dystopian heroic epic storybook
82. George Grosz – slightly bloated bald men slumped in their chairs
83. Lyubov Popova – soft Soviet cubism
84. Carlo Carra – psychological collage
85. Bruce Nauman –neon self representation
86. Yves Klein – The new blue period
87. Charlie Thomson – menopausal greeting cards
88. Louise Bourgeois – Human spiders
89. Dark Vomit – skulls, baby animals and clowns at the supper table
90. Art and Language – The medium is the message.
91. Billy Childish – masturbatory post- post impressionism.
92. Giacomo Balla –trace paper repetition
93. Constantin Brancusi – Aerodynamic gold
94. David Bomberg – the vorticist handbook
95. Kathe Kollowitz – vampire novel sketches
96. Anetta Mona Chisa and Lucia Tkacova – footnotes in blue ink
97. Richard Serra – giant pencil shaving sculpture
98. Charles Demuth – art deco colored numbers
99. Louis Lorowick – art deco landscape
100. Peter Davies – Who?
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